Since four years of experience as software developer, here is some project I have build from my previous company and my personal project


A centralized e-commerce website that allow customer to search and buy its product in the other hand and sell product for provider from his marketplace management


A start up company website for freelancer developer to show up their services and expertises


A cli app writing in bash to automate my daily work as softare developer. It is an open source

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I am a software engineer, having a master degree from National School of Computer Science in Madagascar. I works as a web developer since 2018 at eTech company based in Madagascar.

I usually work on back-end technologies like symfony,nodejs,docker,mysql but I can also work in front-end tech like nextjs,angular and react.

I love learning new tehnologies, I improve my skills day to day learing new things


To master a new technologies and improve my learning, I write a blog for a topic on the thing I’ve learning with

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